Regulations of the Electronic System PROTRAINUP "Club Management System"

§ 1.Definitions
  1. The Regulations of the PROTRAINUP Electronic System "Club Management System" give the following meaning to the following terms:
    1. Regulations - this document, which is the Regulations referred to in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of 18 July 2002 on Providing Services by Electronic Means (i.e. Journal of Laws 2020, item 344) together with all attachments thereto, in particular specifying the conditions for providing the Services. 1) of the Act of 18 July 2002 on provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344) together with all attachments to it, in particular specifying the conditions for the provision of Services by the Service Provider to Recipients.
    2. Organization - an entity bringing together in the Republic of Poland all clubs from a given sport area (e.g. Polish Football Association).
    3. Login or Identifier - an individual and unique designation of the User.
    4. Password - a sequence of letters, special characters (hyphen, underscore) and digits with length at least 6 characters long - defined by the User and assigned to the User. The password is required for the User to log into the System.
    5. Account - a set of services provided by the Service Provider together with individual User settings, which enable the User to use the System, in the variant chosen by the User.
    6. Parents/Players Account - a version of the account for Parents and Players that includes functional Coach's locker room features, access to Coach's library, tracking of training progress, communication with the Coach, logbook archive and Player career archive. Access to the System tabs is configured by the Club. by the Club.
    7. Coach Account - free or paid version, at the Coach's choice. License includes an account for one coach and, depending on the selected package (Coach Leader) for 100 players and counselors. Licenses depending on the selected type, include the following functions at the most: mobile application, basic database of System's basic modules (Coach's diary and calendar, training training, messenger, database of exercises and drawings, training outlines pdf, tactic board, contributory module (Coach Elite, Coach Leader).
    8. Club PRO Account - paid version of the account for Clubs including the following features: access for 5 coaches and 100 players, 1 supervisory account allowing System management, mobile application, basic exercise database, basic System modules System's basic modules (Coach's diary and calendar, training attendance, messenger, database of exercises and drawings, training outlines pdf, tactic board 2.7).
    9. Dedicated Silver account - a paid version of the account for clubs containing the following functions: unlimited access for Players and Trainers, 3 supervisor accounts allowing to manage the System, mobile application, full database of exercises, basic modules of the System (Coach's diary and calendar, presence at trainings, communication, database of exercises and drawings, training outlines pdf, tactic board 2.7, financial support of the Club, customization of the System, full update, technical support of five advanced modules of the System (virtual locker room) System (virtual locker room, club board, workflow system, manual manual contribution module, medical module, live report module).
    10. Dedicated Gold account - a paid version of the account for clubs containing the following functions: unlimited access for Players and Coaches, unlimited access for supervisory accounts allowing unlimited access for Players and Trainers, unlimited access for supervisors to manage the System, mobile application, full database of exercises System's basic modules (Coach's diary and calendar, presence at trainings, messenger training, messenger, database of exercises and drawings, training outlines pdf, tactic board 2.7, Club financial support, System customization, full update, 24/7 technical support, five advanced System modules (virtual locker room locker room and club board, workflow system, manual contribution module, medical module, live medical module, live reports module, free training for coaches, SSL access encryption. SSL ACCESS ENCRYPTION).
    11. Dedicated Custom Account - paid version of account for Clubs containing features available in Accounts: Club Pro Account, Dedicated Silver Account and Dedicated Gold Account and in advanced modules available on web site, which can be configured by a Club on its own.
    12. Service Provider - "PROTRAINUP" limited liability company in Chorzów (41-500) at 10 Katowicka Street, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register in the District Court of Katowice - East in Katowice, KRS number 0000479526, NIP: 6342810550, REGON: 243343170, with a share capital of 610.000 PLN, email address:
    13. Subscription Period - period of operation of the Account, for which the User pays the Subscription Fee.
    14. Subscription Fee - the total fee for Account ownership, calculated on a monthly, in the amount specified in the Subscription Option.
    15. Subscription Option - a paid Account available on the Website ProTrainUp.
    16. Change of Account Parameters - improvement of selected parameters of the Account made on the request of the User, by selecting one of the Account types and making the appropriate fee. Change of the Account parameters takes place at the moment of receiving by Service Provider receives a message about payment of the amount specified in the Price List.
    17. Price List - an offer presenting a comparison of capabilities and prices of the Subscription Variants. The Price List is available at:
    18. Registration - a single action consisting in the creation of an Account by the User Account, performed with the use of the registration form made available by Service Provider on the Website.
    19. Data - a list of data stored in the System according to parameters defined by Provider or User.
    20. Services - Services connected with using the System, provided by Service Provider under the Terms and Conditions.
    21. Account Administrator - User who has the right to administer the Account
    22. Account Settings Panel - a subpage of the System where the Account Administrator can edit Account settings, being a part of the System.
    23. Club management system or System – a computer program (the ProTrainUp electronic system) operating at, operated by ProTrainUp, under the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms and Conditions.
    24. Web Site - the website along with with all sub-pages and related sites.
    25. Contract - an agreement for provision of services by electronic means concluded between User and Service Provider concluded upon acceptance of the Regulations by the User.
    26. User - a person or entity for whom the Service Provider provides Services. Service Recipients include Players who are thirteen years of age or older, Parents, Coaches, Team, Club, and Organization.
    27. Player - an identified individual who is a member of the Club. In the event, that the Player is a person without legal capacity, all actions within the System on his behalf and for his benefit shall be taken by his Parents. Persons over the age of thirteen may use the System on the basis of parental consent.
    28. Parent - an identified individual who is the legal representative of Player who does not have full legal capacity.
    29. Coach - an identified individual who, within a given sport sport the physical and mental preparation of Players.
    30. Team - a separate group of Players identified within the Club managed by at least one Coach.
    31. Club - an entity operating or organising an academy, school, club, course or any other activity of a sporting or similar nature for which the Service Provider provides Services to the extent specified in the Regulations.
§ 2 General Provisions.
  1. These Terms of Use define the principles of using the Account, System and Services offered by Provider as well as the rights and obligations of Provider and User.
  2. The entity providing the Services is the Service Provider.
  3. Communication between the Service Provider and the User takes place in Polish.
  4. Except as otherwise provided in the Terms and Conditions, each Client may communicate with the Service Provider through:
    1. the contact form found on the Website;
    2. electronically, via email address:;
    3. in writing, to the address: PROTRAINUP sp. z o.o., ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów, with a note: "PROTRAINUP Club Management System".
  5. Unless the provisions of the Terms and Conditions provide otherwise, the Service Provider may communicate with the Client electronically, by phone or in writing, but unless otherwise specified in the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or the law, the primary form of communication with the Client is e-mail.
  6. Access to the Account, including the Services offered by the System, is granted only to the Users who registered the Account in the manner specified in Terms of Use or obtained the access to the Account assigned by the Account Administrator.
  7. In order to use the Account, the System and the Services provided by the Service Provider, the User must read the Terms of Use and agree to the conditions specified in the Terms of Use. The User may accept the Terms of Use:
    1. by clicking on the button or marking "I accept the Terms and Conditions"; during User registration; or
    2. by actually using the System. In this case the User acknowledges that the Service Provider will treat the use of the System as acceptance of the Terms of Use from the moment the User starts using the System and the User agrees to that.
§ 3. Technical Requirements.
  1. Services provided by the Service Provider under the Regulations are provided electronically, via the Internet.
  2. Use of the Services is available through:
    1. Internet service available on the Website;
    2. mobile app.
  3. In order to properly use the Services, the Client should meet the minimum technical requirements:
    1. have a device providing access to the Internet and having software enabling proper display of websites (e.g. a web browser) or enabling installation and use of the Mobile Application;
    2. have an email account;
    3. Have a connection to the Internet;
    4. Have a cell phone or similar device capable of receiving SMS messages.
  4. The Service Provider shall make every effort to ensure that data transmission over the Internet as part of the use of the Services is secure, i.e. that the information transmitted is complete and complete.
  5. The Service Provider is not responsible for technical problems or limitations of the computer equipment used by the User, which prevent the User from using the System and Services.
§ 4. Registration of a User Account.
  1. The Service Provider informs that the access to the System and Services is possible after the Account Registration.
  2. When registering, the User is obliged to provide truthful, accurate and up-to-date data which is not misleading and does not infringe the rights of third parties. The User is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her password.
  3. The User is solely responsible for the content of the data provided by him. The Service Provider informs that any content submitted or any Order placed by third parties identifying themselves with the User's Login and Password will be attributed to the User.
  4. Registration takes place by way of filling in the registration form made available on the Website, after completing the relevant sections of the form and pressing the "Done" button by the User.
  5. Completion of the registration form requires the User to provide the following information:
    1. Selected Account Type;
    2. Individual account name - Login;
    3. The User's e-mail address;
    4. User access passwords.
    The service provider reserves the right to extend the registration form with additional fields, the completion of which will be voluntary.
  6. After the Registration, the User shall receive a letter containing an activation link to the e-mail address provided in the registration form no later than 48 hours from the date of successful Registration. Opening the activation link in the Internet browser is necessary in order to activate the User's Account and to be able to use the Account, the System and the Services.
  7. In the case of choosing one of the Account types, the User is obliged to make a full registration by indicating:
    1. in the case of a natural person, first and last name; address of permanent residence; address for correspondence, if different from the address of residence;
    2. in the case of a legal person or organisational unit which is not a legal person and has been granted legal personality by law, the business name; NIP; registered office address; correspondence address, if different from the registered office address.
  8. The User is entitled to change the type of Account at any time by changing the Account Parameters by the Account Administrator in the Account Settings Panel and by paying the appropriate Subscription Fee.
  9. Following the User's selection of the Subscription Variant for the continued period of use of the Service Provider, the User is obliged to pay Page 6 of 17 the Subscription Fee in the amount corresponding to the selected Variant, in accordance with the Price List applicable on the date of the selection.
  10. Payment of the Subscription Fee marks the beginning of a new Subscription Period.
  11. If the User makes a declaration of termination before the end of the Subscription Period, the User may use the Account until the end of the paid Subscription Period.
§ 5. Условия использования вашей учетной записи.
  1. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the technical manner of performing the Services, according to the scope and conditions resulting from its authority, and according to its technical capabilities.
  2. In order to ensure the security of the transmission of messages and in connection with the Services provided, Service Provider takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of security threat to the Services provided.
  3. In particular, the user is obliged to:
    1. use the System in a manner that does not interfere with its operation, in particular by using specific software or devices;
    2. use the System in a manner consistent with the provisions of these Terms of Use;
    3. use the System in a manner that is not disruptive to other Users and the User, respecting their personal rights (including their right to privacy) and all their rights;
    4. to use any content within the System only for your own internal and personal use. Any other use of the content is permitted only with the explicit permission of the authorized person;
    5. not to undertake any actions such as: sending or placing in the System unsolicited commercial information, undertaking computer activities or any other actions aiming at obtaining information not intended for the User;
    6. not to attempt to gain access to data not belonging to the User, to break security measures, to break the authorization system or to interfere with the proper functioning of the System in any other way, including attempting to obtain source codes.
  4. Service Provider shall not be liable in any way for infringement of third party rights or causing any damage to third parties as a result of and in connection with the activities carried out by the User using the data collected by the User in connection with the Services provided.
  5. The User is obliged to immediately inform the Service Provider about any violation of his/her rights within the System as well as about any violation of the Terms of Use.
  6. The Service Provider may deprive the User of the right to use the Account or System, as well as restrict the User's access to part or all of System resources or Services offered by the Service Provider, with immediate effect in case the User violates the Terms of Use, especially if the User
    1. provided during the Registration process data that is untrue, inaccurate or outdated, misleading or violating the rights of third parties;
    2. commits through the Account or the System a violation of personal rights, in particular the personal rights of other Users;
    3. will behave in any other way, contrary to the law or general principles of Internet usage, contrary to the purpose of creation of the System or contrary to Provider's good name;
    4. has created an Account despite having been previously deprived of the right to use the System, subject to subpara. 8.
  7. A person who has been banned from using the Account or the System may not register again without the Service Provider's prior express written consent.
  8. In case of disqualification from the use of the Account or System or restriction of access in cases specified in paragraph 7, the Service Provider shall not refund the Subscription Fee paid.
  9. The User may remove their Account at any time. In such case all the information stored in the System and related to the User will be also removed, except for the data administered by other Users. By deleting the Account the User resigns from using it any more.
§ 6. Subscription Fee.
  1. There is a fee for using particular Services provided by the Service Provider, except for the free version of the Coach Account.
  2. Detailed information about the amount of the Subscription Fees and the parameters of each Subscription Option can be found in the Price List posted on the Website.
  3. Subscription Fees are paid in advance for consecutive Subscription Periods.
  4. The Subscription Fee shall be paid via the Przelewy24 service - PayPro SA with its registered seat in Poznan, 60-327 Poznan, ul. Kanclerska 15, or via PayU service - PayU SA with its registered seat in Poznan, 60-166 Poznan, ul Grunwaldzka, as well as by the User himself, by transfer to the bank account of the Service Provider indicated on the VAT invoice.
  5. The Service Provider shall make the VAT invoice available in the User's Panel within 7 working days from the date of recording the payment for the Subscription. On User's request, the Service Provider shall send a VAT invoice to the email address provided during Registration.
  6. The day of the month which will be the day of commencement of the Subscription Period is defined as the day on which the payment is credited to the indicated bank account by the Service Provider. The Subscription Period ends on the date which corresponds to the initial day on which the Subscription Period began and, if there is no such day in the next month, on the last day of the month.
  7. The Subscription Fee may consist of:
    1. Opłata za wybrany typ Konta;
    2. Fee for access rights to the Account for additional Users.
  8. Cyclical payments are available only when settling clubs and coaches from the subscription fee for using the system on a club or individual license. In case of club licenses the notice period is two months. For individual licenses, the subscription can be cancelled at any time selected by the user, without a notice period. Termination of the contract for a club license is done by e-mail to, in writing (a scan of the signed contract termination document). For individual licenses, there is no need to send subscription cancellation information.
  9. For clubs, the contract is signed for an indefinite period. With monthly payments and no cancellation, the subscription will be extended by another month. As far as individual licenses are concerned, the user has the possibility to choose the interval of cyclic payment for the subscription i.e. 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. If there is no cancellation, the subscription will be extended by the interval previously selected by the user.
  10. In cases justified by the user, after sending an explanation to, ProTrainUp Sp. z o.o. may decide to return the funds paid by the customer.
  11. You will receive notification at least 24 hours before your subscription expires as a push notification on the mobile app as well as a notification on the ProTrainUp web platform.
  12. In the case of an Account Parameter Change, the change is deemed to have been made when the Subscription Fee is credited to the Service Provider's bank account.
  13. The Account Administrator in the Account Settings Panel has access to information on how to pay the Subscription Fee.
  14. Any changes in the Pricelist will be announced on the Website and will apply to the User only from the next Subscription Period. The User may resign from using the System if he/she does not accept the new fees.
§ 7. Technical breaks.
  1. The Service Provider is entitled to temporary interruption of the System and Services due to technical reasons.
  2. The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that technical interruptions take place during the night and last as short a time as possible.
  3. The Service Provider shall not be liable to Users for failure to perform or improper performance of Services due to reasons attributable to third parties (including telecommunications network operators) or caused by acts of God.
§ 8. Data Privacy Protection.
  1. Upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, the User consents to the processing of his personal data by the Service Provider in accordance with the terms of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. The legal basis, the purpose, the period of processing of personal data and the rights of the data subject, as well as other important information regarding the principles of processing personal data are detailed in the PROTRAINUP Security Policy, taking into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free Page 9 of 17 flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  3. User's personal data may be processed by the Service Provider in order to establish, shape the content, change or terminate the legal relationship between the User and the Service Provider.
  4. The Service Provider is obliged to use technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal data processed, appropriate to the threats and the category of data protected. In particular, the Service Provider shall protect the data from being made available to unauthorized persons, from being taken by an unauthorized person, from being processed in violation of the Act, and from being altered, lost, damaged or destroyed.
  5. The Service Provider ensures that it will take special care to protect the interests of the User. Service Provider ensures that the personal data of the User will be obtained:
    1. processed in accordance with the law;
    2. collected for specified, legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes;
    3. Substantially correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
    4. stored in a form which permits identification of the data subjects for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing.
  6. Service Provider reserves the right to disclose selected information concerning the User to competent authorities or third parties who request such information on an appropriate legal basis and in accordance with applicable law.
  7. Service Provider declares that in order to collect information related to the provision of Services it uses cookies. These are information which Service Provider's server saves on User's computer, so that the User will be "recognized" each time he connects to the Account. The cookie system does not interfere with the operation of the User's computer and can be turned off. Cookies enable:
    1. maintaining the User's session (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the System;
    2. creating the statistics of viewing the System's subpages,
    3. remembering User preferences, including the choice of the Website language option.
  8. Each User has the right to access their personal data, to correct and complete them and to demand to stop processing their data and delete them by applying in writing to the Service Provider. If the User deletes his/her personal data, he/she loses the right to use the System and its Services, which is equivalent to deletion of his/her Account.
  9. If the User includes in the System any personal data of other people (including their name, surname, phone number or e-mail address), they may do it only at their own risk and provided that they do not violate the law or violate personal rights of those people.
  10. The Service Provider declares that he will take special care to provide the Users with a high level of security concerning the use of System. Any events affecting the security of information transmission, including the suspicion of sharing files containing viruses and other files of similar nature, should be reported to the Service Provider at the email address indicated in the "Contact" section of the Site.
  11. The Service Provider informs, and the User agrees, that all notifications, information or other messages from the Service Provider related to the provision of Services will be sent electronically to the User's e-mail address indicated in the registration form or in the Account Settings Panel. The User is obliged to update his/her e-mail address. Any messages sent to the address indicated in the registration form or in the Account Settings Panel shall be deemed delivered in case of doubt.
§ 9. Complaints.
  1. Any complaints regarding the provision of Services by the Service Provider and questions regarding the use of the Account or the System shall be sent to the email address indicated on the Website under "Contact" or to the correspondence address (registered office of PROTRAINUP): with the annotation "Complaint".
  2. A complaint should include: first and last name - in case of a natural person or a company - in case of a legal person or organizational unit which is not a legal person, which is granted legal personality by the act, User's Login, his exact residential or business address, eventually his correspondence address, if different from his residential or business address and e-mail address given during the Registration, as well as the exact description and reason for the complaint.
  3. The Service Provider shall consider the complaint within 7 working days from the date of its receipt and shall inform the User immediately, by e-mail, about the manner of its consideration. If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, the Service Provider, before considering the complaint, shall request the complainant to supplement it. The time of providing additional explanations by the User extends the period of considering the claim accordingly.
  4. Investigation of the complaint by the Service Provider is final.
  5. Any other notices, comments and questions regarding the operation of the System may be submitted by email to the email address indicated on the Website under "Contact Us".
Privacy Policy

ProTrainUp ("We") are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This document (together with the Terms and Conditions and any other documents to which it refers) sets out the principles by which we process any personal data that you provide or that other controllers make available to us. It also sets out any obligations for processing your personal data when you use the Service. This Privacy Policy describes ProTrainUp's use of Cookies to store information on your Devices and to access that information.

This Privacy Policy also contains all the necessary information required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), (hereinafter GDPR) and sets out, first of all, the basic principles for the protection of your Personal Data applied by us - ProTrainUp, as processor, and, in the case of individual accounts (coach free, elite, leader), as controller of your Personal Data, including the purpose, scope and period for which your Personal Data will be processed by us; describes to whom and on what terms ProTrainUp. may share your Personal Data; provides information about your rights in connection with the processing of your Personal Data by ProTrainUp. Your Personal Data.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this document, please send an e-mail to:

1. General provisions

You are responsible for reviewing the privacy policies of websites to which our Site or Service may link. Our Site and/or Service may contain references to other websites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of third parties or the content on their websites and/or services.

We retain the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our Website.

History of Change:

25-05-2018 - changes related to GDPR
07-06-2022 - changes in privacy policy

Who are we?

ProTrainUp Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Chorzów, Poland - at Katowicka 10 Street, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000479526

2. Information we collect from you

NOur Service - ProTrainUp is an online program for managing your sports club and individual coaches. It stores information as it is entered by you (as a club or individually). We only store information that has been entered by you and/or users from your organization or has been imported automatically with the user's permission or request. Data entered or imported by users remains their property and we will not use it or make it public without your permission.

If you choose to register with (the "Service") you will be asked to enter selected information about you and your company. By entering the above personal information, you consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We may also collect information about your use of the Service, as well as information about you from email correspondence you have with us or from information you submit to our site. We agree to use this information as set forth in this document.

All of your personal information that we hold and process - we receive only:

  • directly from you,
  • from the administrator of your account - the club (when inviting to the service).

In both cases, your or your account administrator's consent is required.

We collect and process your name, email address, IP address, browser information and other data provided by your browser (e.g. referring page, language, time zone, etc.).

A cookie is a text string of information stored by your browser when you view a website. Cookies are used by the Service for the purposes of ensuring session continuity after login, preparing anonymous statistics on how the application is used, storing user preferences and enabling the "Remember me on this computer" feature. Please note that you should not use this option when using computers that are accessible to a large number of users (Internet cafes, reading rooms, libraries, etc.).

The cookie files do not contain personal information.

3. Who has access to the data

You decide who has access to your data. Data entered or imported upon request by users of your organization is securely stored in our database, which only certain employees of our company have access to. Your administrator ("Administrator") has full control over your organization's list of users, and may allow access to the Service (invite a user). Entering a username (email, login) and password is necessary to access your data (Service requires login). It is the responsibility of each user to maintain password security. It is the Administrator's responsibility to make sure that only appropriate people have access to the data (are invited to the program). None of our employees or any third party has the ability to know or recreate the password to the Service, which means that they are unable to log into your account, without prior permission given by your Administrator.

4. Persons under 18 years of age

If you are under the age of 18 you may have an account with Service. We collect and process personal data of minors with the consent of their parents, legal guardians and the personal data controller.

5. Credit card information

We do not store financial data, including credit card numbers and codes and these cannot be used by our employees. All payment data is stored and handled by PayPal (Europe), DotPay in accordance with their privacy policies and PayPro SA Agent Rozliczeniowy, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000347935, NIP 7792369887, Regon 301345068.

6. Information clause on processing of personal data

This notice concerns the processing of personal data in accordance with Article 13(1) and (2) and Article 14(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: GDPR).


For club accounts, according to the provisions of the concluded contract between the customer and ProTrainUp, the controller of personal data is the person designated by the customer. The controller is responsible and guarantees that during the use of the Service it does not violate local and international laws, at the same time it does not restrict rights related to privacy, processing of personal data and others.

In case of individual accounts (coach free, elite, leader) the data administrator is ProTrainUp. Sp. z o.o. located in Chorzów at ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów, Poland, NIP: 634-282-16-31, KRS: 0000479526


For individual accounts, you may contact the Data Controller by sending an email to: or by sending a written message to: ProTrainUp. Sp. z o.o., ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów. In case of club accounts, you should contact the person designated by the customer.


The Board of Directors of ProTrainUp has appointed a Data Protection Supervisor who can be contacted via email: or in writing to the Administrator's registered address marked "Data Protection Supervisor" The Data Protection Supervisor may be contacted on all matters relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights in relation to the processing of such data.


The legal basis for the processing of personal data by ProTrainUp, is the necessity to fulfill the obligations incumbent on the controller. We process your personal data in order to fulfill the obligations that arise from the provisions of law related to the scope of our activities or in connection with a contract binding us - so the basis for processing by ProTrainUp of your personal data is Article 6(1)(a) , b), c), f) GDPR.

Accordingly, we will process your data or the data of a Competitor for whom you are a guardian for the following purposes:
a) in case of your consent we will process your data in order to answer your inquiry sent in the contact form, to contact you by phone or to send you to your e-mail address or telephone number information about our services or our other commercial information, payment information, notifications from the Service, processing of your image in order to use it to disseminate your photos and footage from events on the Internet and social networks - art.6(1)(a) GDPR. In all cases, you may opt out at any time from receiving any further communications. If at any time you change your mind about receiving communications from us, please let us know and we will remove your email address from our mailing list and your phone number from our database;
b) for the use of services provided through our websites, information systems or applications and to take action at your request before entering into a contract or to perform a contract for the use of ProTrainUp services - Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR;
c) in order to service the reported complaints - art.6(1)(c) GDPR;
d) in order for us to comply with legal obligations to collect or store certain personal data for a certain period of time arising, for example, from tax laws, the Accounting Act, the Act on Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes or the Telecommunications Act - Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR;
e) for the purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the administrator - Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, i.e. for the purpose: • establish, assert, and defend possible claims related to the services we provide or the business we conduct;
• monitoring your activity on our websites and information systems or applications, e.g. using cookies or other tools that we use;
• monitoring your activity on our websites and information systems or applications, e.g. using cookies or other tools that we use;
• direct marketing of products or services provided by us to inform you about our offers or to provide you with other commercial information;
f) ProTrainUp will not process your Data for purposes other than those indicated above. If we want to process your Personal Data for a purpose other than those for which we collected it and informed you, we will inform you and ask for your consent, if required by law.


a) data that you have provided to us by filling in a form or registering on our website, information system or application:
- ordinary data such as:
• Your First and Last Name,
• phone number,
• e-mail address

b) data that has been lawfully made available to us or entrusted to us by other administrators:
• name and surname of the Player (your child) - in case of a Player profile
• gender,
• nationality,
• image,
• date of birth,
• birthplace,
• residence address,
• school name, school address,
• the start and end dates of play at the club,
• insurance information (yes/no),
• extranet no. (PZPN),
• information about the parent club (on loan),
• login,
• password - encrypted hash,
• your personal ID,
• the player's (your child's) ID or date of birth if no ID number is available.
• user id.

c) statistical data related to the training process such as:
• test results (e.g., 5-meter run),
• attendance,
• match statistics (goals, assists, etc.),
• records of equipment received,
• records of fee balance,
• correspondence using the mechanisms of the ProTrainUp system,
• player observation/evaluation data (player's skills, each club evaluates according to its own criteria),
• borg scale measurement data.

d) data that is made available to us by the device you use when using our services, websites, information systems or applications, via cookies.


We apply the highest standards in storing and processing the Personal Information you have provided to us to prevent unauthorized access to that information. We never share your Personal Information with companies or third parties except for those whose services and products are necessary to provide our services to you. These companies provide the equipment, data storage infrastructure and other services necessary for the proper operation of the Service.

In this case, the recipient of your Personal Information may be:
‒ telecommunications operator with respect to your Personal Data necessary to provide the telecommunications service for sending SMS messages;
‒ bank or other payment service provider for your Personal Information necessary to complete the payment transaction or service.

All data exchanged between us and third parties are encrypted using SSL technology. In special cases, your data may be transferred to other entities or authorities authorized by law (e.g. at the request of the Court, the Police, etc.).


We will process your Data for as long as it is necessary to perform and provide the Service in which you have an account (you are the account owner or user). All data is stored in secure hosting centers in Poland. Therefore, on the basis of the contract concluded with you - the processing of your Personal Data will last throughout the term of the contract and then your Data will be stored for archiving purposes (fulfillment of legal obligations) or for the period of the statute of limitations for potential claims under the contract; on the basis of the consent you have given us - we will process your Data until you revoke your consent; in the case of the processing of your Personal Data for the realization of a legally justified interest of the administrator - we will process your Data as long as it is necessary for the realization of our legally justified interests.

Your data will be deleted:
• from our production servers - up to 7 days from the moment of sending the request to the e-mail:,
• from other systems (backup copies, server logs) - up to 90 days from the moment of sending the request to the e-mail: company or your user account.


In connection with our processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to:
• obtain information about your personal data, access to its content (pursuant to Article 15 GDPR);
• request rectification (amendment) of data (pursuant to Article 16 GDPR);
• a written reasoned request for erasure (pursuant to Article 17 GDPR);
• limitation of data processing (pursuant to Article 18 GDPR);
• data portability (pursuant to Article 20 GDPR);
• object to further processing (pursuant to Article 21 GDPR);
• in the case of the processing of personal data on the basis of consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the legality of processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

The above rights may be exercised directly at the Administrator's office or by mail or by directing correspondence to the Administrator or the Data Protection Officer at the e-mail address provided in this clause.


You have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority - that is, to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection at the address: 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw, telephone: +48 22 531 03 00, if you believe that we are processing your Personal Data in contravention of the purpose for which it was collected. If you believe that ProTrainUp is improperly processing your Personal Data, please send us an email at: We promise to do our best to resolve the issue you have raised.


Providing your Personal Data is voluntary, however it is necessary for you to enter into a contract with us and for us to properly provide services to you. In the event that you do not provide us with your data we will not be able to enter into a contract with you and thus will not be able to provide you with any services.


We will not transfer your data to a third country or to other international organizations.


We will never use information entered and stored on the Service for any purpose other than to provide the Service. We will never review the activity history of individual users except to troubleshoot or fix a bug in the Service or hardware. Our staff has access to aggregate statistics about how the Service is used. This information is used to improve features, how the Service works, or to improve the user interface. Your personal information will not be subject to automated decision-making processes, including profiling.

Если в какой-либо момент вы передумаете получать от нас сообщения, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом, и мы удалим ваш адрес электронной почты из нашего списка рассылки.

Вы можете отказаться от получения электронных писем от нас


Мы отправляем информацию о платежах, о наших услугах, уведомления от Услуг и информационные рассылки. Во всех случаях вы можете отказаться от продолжения получения определенного типа сообщений.

  • если мы по закону вынуждены передавать вашу личную информацию или для обеспечения соблюдения Правил и других соглашений, для защиты прав ProTrainUp., наших клиентов или других лиц. Это включает в себя обмен информацией с другими компаниями или организациями для защиты от мошенничества и снижения кредитного риска,
  • Когда ProTrainUp. или большая часть его активов будут проданы третьей стороне, ваша личная информация будет одним из таких активов.

Мы можем передавать вашу информацию третьим лицам в случае:

Все данные хранятся в защищенных хостинг-центрах в Польше

Используя Сайт и/или Услуги, вы даете согласие на то, чтобы наши партнеры имели доступ к вашим персональным данным, в том числе за пределами Европейской экономической зоны (ЕЭЗ). Мы всегда прилагаем все усилия для обеспечения того, чтобы ваши данные передавались в полном соответствии с законами о защите данных, действующими в Европейском Союзе, что означает, что ваши данные могут быть переданы только в страну, которая обеспечивает надлежащий уровень безопасности данных или обязана соблюдать Стандартные договорные положения (типовые положения ЕС для передача персональных данных). Загружая свои данные на сервис или веб-сайт, вы соглашаетесь на такой тип передачи, хранения и обработки. Мы обязуемся предпринять все шаги для обеспечения безопасности ваших данных в рамках настоящей политики конфиденциальности в соответствии с принципами здравого смысла. Вы обязуетесь не разглашать третьему лицу или третьим лицам свои данные доступа к Услуге в течение всего периода использования Услуги.

Мы используем самые высокие стандарты при хранении и раскрытии информации, которую вы нам предоставили, чтобы предотвратить несанкционированный доступ. Мы соблюдаем законы стран, в которых мы работаем.

Кому и когда мы можем раскрывать вашу информацию?

Мы никогда не передаем вашу личную информацию компаниям или третьим лицам, за исключением тех, чьи услуги и продукты необходимы для предоставления вам наших услуг. Эти компании предоставляют оборудование, инфраструктуру хранения данных и другие услуги, необходимые для правильной работы Услуги. Все данные, которыми мы обмениваемся с третьими лицами, шифруются с использованием технологии SSL.

Кроме того, мы можем собирать и передавать анонимные и агрегированные статистические данные, которые мы используем для улучшения качества и производительности наших услуг и веб-сайта.

Как мы используем и кому можем передать ваши данные

Если вы регистрируетесь или платите за доступ к нашему Услуге, мы используем введенную вами информацию для обработки и обработки вашего платежа, а также для того, чтобы вы могли использовать Услугу.

Мы также можем использовать вашу информацию для отправки вам маркетинговых материалов о нашей Услуге.

Вы несете ответственность за ознакомление с политикой конфиденциальности веб-сайтов, на которые может вести наш Сайт или Услуга.

Настоящая политика конфиденциальности может быть изменена

Общие положения

Наш веб-сайт и/или Услуга могут содержать ссылки на другие веб-сайты или услуги. Мы не несем ответственности за политику конфиденциальности третьих лиц или за содержание их веб-сайтов и/или услуг.

Мы оставляем за собой право изменять настоящую политику конфиденциальности в любое время. Любые изменения будут опубликованы на нашем Веб-сайте.

Мы следим за использованием системных ресурсов

Мы никогда не будем использовать информацию, введенную и сохраненную на Услуге, для каких-либо иных целей, кроме предоставления Услуги. Мы никогда не будем проверять историю активности отдельных пользователей, кроме как для устранения неполадок или исправления ошибок в Услуге или оборудовании.

Наши сотрудники имеют доступ к сводным статистическим данным об использовании Услуги. Эта информация используется для улучшения функциональности, работы Услуги или улучшения пользовательского интерфейса.

  • чтобы иметь доступ к вашим персональным данным, обрабатываемым нами,
  • правка,
  • удаление ваших данных с наших серверов,
  • передача персональных данных непосредственно другому Оператору обработки данных,
  • отозвать согласие на обработку персональных данных.

Ваши права

В соответствии с положениями Общего Регламента по защите данных (ЕС) 2016/679, вы имеете право на:

Ваши данные будут удалены:

  • из других систем (резервные копии, журналы сервера) - до 90 дней с момента отправки запроса на e-mail компании или вашей учетной записи пользователя.
  • с наших рабочих серверов - до 7 дней после отправки вашего запроса на ,

Мы обрабатываем ваши персональные данные до тех пор, пока у вас есть контроль над Услугой (вы являетесь владельцем учетной записи или пользователем).

Продолжительность хранения и обработки ваших данных

Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или неясности, связанные с этим документом, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте:


Для целей Общего Регламента по защите данных (ЕС) 2016/679 обработчиком Персональных данных, введенных Вами в Сервис и пользователями вашей учетной записи, является ProTrainUp Sp. z o.o. с зарегистрированным офисом в Хожуве - на улице Катовицкая, 10, внесенный в Реестр предпринимателей из Национального судебного реестра под номером KRS 0000479526.

Для целей Общего Регламента по защите данных (ЕС) 2016/679 контролером ваших Персональных данных и данных пользователей вашей учетной записи является Innodia Ltd. частная компания, зарегистрированная в Англии и Уэльсе под номером 07779992, с регистрационным адресом 5 London Road SW179JR, Лондон, Великобритания.

Если вы считаете, что ProTrainUp ненадлежащим образом обрабатывает ваши персональные данные, пожалуйста, напишите на электронную почту: . Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы решить проблему, о которой вы сообщили.

Мы предоставим вам доступ к вашим данным в любое время

Ваши данные могут быть безвозвратно удалены нами при отсутствии оплаты за использование Услуги или по запросу Администратора.

По запросу мы предоставим вам полный экспорт ваших данных в один из выбранных нами распространенных форматов файлов.

Все данные хранятся в защищенных хостинг-центрах в Польше

Где мы храним ваши данные.

. Относительно обработки персональных данных в отношении пользователей, посещающих социальные сети, управляемые ProTrainUp Ltd. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin
  1. В связи с использованием компанией ProTrainUp Ltd. социальных сетей и поддержанием профилей на Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, компания ProTrainUp Ltd. в соответствии со статьей 13 (1) и (2) Регламента (ЕС) 2016/679 Европейского парламента и Совета от 27 апреля 2016 года. о защите физических лиц в отношении обработки персональных данных и о свободном перемещении таких данных и отмене Директивы 95/46/EC [далее: GDPR] предоставляет пользователям, посещающим социальные сети - профили, управляемые ProTrainUp, следующую информацию об обработке персональных данных:
  2. Администратор персональных данных
    Администратором ваших персональных данных, предоставленных через LinkedIn, является ProTrainUp Ltd., действующая по адресу: ул. Катовицкая, 10, 41-500 Хожув, NlP: 634282163, REGON: 243343170. Контакты: тел.: 535-352-535, e-mail: [далее: Администратор].
  3. Инспектор по защите данных - ИЗД
    Администратор назначил инспектора по защите данных, с которым вы можете связаться по всем вопросам, касающимся обработки ваших персональных данных, по адресу электронной почты: или по почте на указанный выше адрес администратора.
  4. Типы социальных сетей:
    1. Facebook и Instagram - фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd.: [ и ] доступен на Facebook и Instagram, поставщиком которых является Facebook Inc. С правилами использования ваших персональных данных в Facebook, Instagram, Messenger и других продуктах и функциях, предлагаемых Facebook Inc., можно ознакомиться в Политике конфиденциальности Facebook, доступной по адресу:
    2. LinkedIn - фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd.: [ ] доступен на LinkedIn. С условиями использования ваших персональных данных поставщиком услуг LinkedIn можно ознакомиться по адресу: .
    3. Твиттер - фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd: [ ] доступен как часть Twitter. С правилами использования ваших персональных данных поставщиком услуг можно ознакомиться по адресу: .
    4. YouTube - фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd.: [ ] доступен на YouTube, провайдером которого является Google LLC. С правилами использования ваших данных компанией Google LLC можно ознакомиться по адресу: . Фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd. используются для представления информации о деятельности ProTrainUp в стране, а также в мире, включая презентацию мероприятий, проводимых ProTrainUp в рамках предлагаемых услуг. Они позволяют вам взаимодействуют и следить за ProTrainUp, а также связываться с нами.
    ProTrainUp, как администратор фанпейджа, может видеть статистическую информацию о посещениях своего профиля, такую как возраст посетителей, их реакции, активность и комментарии. Эта функциональность помогает нам выбирать контент, соответствующий предпочтениям пользователей фанпейджа. ProTrainUp, как пользователь социальной сети [администратор фанпейджа], имеет возможность просматривать ваш публичный профиль, а также связываться с вами через мессенджер, доступный в соответствующем сервисе, например, доступный в Instagram - Instagram Direct или в FB - Messenger.
  5. Источник и тип обрабатываемых данных
    Ваши персональные данные собираются и обрабатываются ProTrainUp, когда вы подписываетесь на фанпейдж ProTrainUp Ltd., нажимая на значок "Нравится", "Наблюдать", "Поделиться" или "Подписаться", или когда вы оставляете комментарий под любым из сообщений, сделанных на фанпейдже ProTrainUp в профиле социальной сети, такой как Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn или YouTube. ProTrainUp Ltd. как Администратор будет обрабатывать следующие данные:
    1. Идентификационный номер (включая имя или псевдоним);
    2. фотография профиля и другие фотографии (на которых также может быть изображен образ);
    3. содержание ваших комментариев;
    4. автоматически собираемые технические данные о вашем посещении социальной сети (например, IP-адрес, доменное имя, тип используемого вами браузера, тип операционной системы и т.д.);
    5. анонимные статистические данные о посетителях фанпейджа, доступные через доступную функцию в соответствующей социальной сети (например, "Facebook Insights", предоставленную Facebook) в соответствии с неизменяемыми условиями использования указанной социальной сети, собранные с помощью "cookies", каждый из которых содержит уникальный код пользователя, который может быть связан с данные о подключении пользователей, зарегистрированных в соответствующей социальной сети, которые загружаются и обрабатываются при открытии фанпейджа.
  6. Цели и основания для обработки персональных данных
    Ваши персональные данные будут обрабатываться в целях:
    1. Чтобы поддерживать фанпейдж в социальных сетях Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn или YouTube, на условиях, установленных администраторами этих сервисов, и в соответствии с правилами и предписаниями этих сервисов, а также информировать с их помощью о нашей деятельности, продвигать различные мероприятия, которые мы организуем, для продвижения, создания и поддержания сообщества, связанного с нами, и для общения с помощью доступных функциональных возможностей этих сервисов, таких как ответы на реакции, комментарии и личные сообщения [на основании статьи 6(1)(f) GDPR];
    2. статистическая и рекламная деятельность осуществляется с помощью инструментов, предоставляемых приложениями различных социальных сетей. Эти действия осуществляются на основе нашего законного интереса, чтобы обеспечить непрерывность коммуникации и обрабатывать запросы и жалобы на продукты и услуги Администратора, а также осуществлять наш собственный маркетинг и заботиться о нашем имидже [на основании статьи 6(1)(f) GDPR];
    3. в случае, если обработка ваших персональных данных должна осуществляться с целью, отличной от указанной выше, каждый раз это будет происходить после получения вашего предварительного согласия на обработку ваших персональных данных в объеме и с целью, указанными в таком согласии [на основании статьи 6(1)(a) GDPR].
  7. Получатели персональных данных
    Ваши персональные данные могут быть переданы:
    1. организации, сотрудничающие с Администратором, в частности поставщики ИТ-систем и ИТ-услуг, а также поставщики услуг, предоставляющие Администратору технические, ИТ- и организационные решения, которые позволяют Администратору вести свой бизнес, включая наши веб-сайты и электронные услуги, предоставляемые через них [в частности, поставщики компьютерного программного обеспечения для запуска наших веб-сайтов, поставщики электронной почты и хостинга, а также поставщики программного обеспечения для управления бизнесом и технической поддержки администратора], поставщики социальных плагинов, скрипты и инструменты, позволяющие интегрировать веб-сайт и предоставляемые через него услуги с электронными сервисами внешних социальных сетей - на договорной основе, при этом такие субъекты обрабатывают персональные данные в соответствии с соглашениями, заключенными на доверенность обработки персональных данных, и только в соответствии с инструкциями Администратора;
    2. владельцу Facebook и Instagram, т.е. Facebook Inc., в соответствии с не подлежащими изменению правилами обработки данных, установленными Facebook Inc., доступными по адресу ; владельцу сайта социальной сети LinkedIn в соответствии с не подлежащими изменению правилами обработки данных, установленными LinkedIn, доступными по адресу ; владельцу сайт социальной сети Twitter в соответствии с неизменяемыми правилами обработки данных, установленными Twitter Inc. доступен по адресу:;
    3. владельцу социальной сети YouTube в соответствии с неизменяемыми правилами передачи данных YouTube, доступными по адресу:;
    4. организации, уполномоченные делать это в соответствии с общеприменимыми законами.
  8. Передача персональных данных третьим странам или международным компаниям
    Ваши персональные данные могут быть переданы третьим странам или международным компаниям за пределами Европейской экономической зоны. Например, ваши данные могут быть переданы компаниям группы Google. Кроме того, ваши персональные данные могут быть переданы в третьи страны, такие как Соединенные Штаты и другие страны, где доступны Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn или Youtube. Эти компании единогласно заявляют об использовании типичных договорных положений, одобренных Европейской комиссией, и полагаются на решения Европейской комиссии, устанавливающие надлежащий уровень защиты данных для конкретных стран, в которые могут быть переданы данные. Более подробную информацию можно получить на вышеупомянутых веб-сайтах этих социальных сетей.
  9. Автоматическая обработка персональных данных [в том числе посредством профилирования].
    Ваши персональные данные не будут использоваться для принятия автоматизированных решений, включая профилирование.
  10. Срок хранения данных
    Срок обработки ваших персональных данных зависит от цели, для которой они обрабатываются:
    1. на период, необходимый для защиты наших интересов как Администратора;
    2. данные, обработанные на основании согласия, будут обрабатываться до тех пор, пока согласие не будет отозвано;
    3. в целях прямого маркетинга до тех пор, пока вы не возразите против их обработки в указанных целях или пока мы не определим, что данные устарели;
    4. статистические данные о посетителях фанпейджа, доступные с помощью функций, доступных в соответствующей социальной сети, будут обрабатываться в течение срока доступности таких данных на сервисе в соответствии с правилами этого сервиса;
    5. для других целей, основанных на наших законных интересах, в течение срока действия этих целей или до тех пор, пока вы не возразите.
  11. Ваши права на защиту данных
    Вы имеете право на:
    1. доступ к содержимому их данных;
    2. запрос на исправление данных;
    3. удаление данных или ограничение их обработки в случаях, предусмотренных законом;
    4. получения копии ваших данных;
    5. передача персональных данных;
    6. отозвать согласие на обработку данных можно в любое время, при этом отзыв согласия не повлияет на законность обработки ваших данных, осуществляемой на основании согласия, данного до его отзыва.;
    7. возражать в любое время против обработки ваших персональных данных в той мере, в какой обработка ваших персональных данных основана на законных интересах контролера, в том числе по причинам, связанным с вашей конкретной ситуацией;
    8. подайте жалобу в надзорный орган, т.е. президенту Управления по защите персональных данных [контактные данные офиса: ул. Ставки 2, 00-193 Варшава, тел. 22 531-03-00, телефон доверия 606-950-000, электронная почта: ], если вы считаете, что Администратор нарушил положения GDPR при обработке ваших персональных данных.

    Если у вас есть сомнения по поводу того, как мы обрабатываем ваши данные, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами в первую очередь в электронном виде по электронной почте: и либо по указанному выше почтовому адресу зарегистрированного офиса Администратора.
  12. Право подать "маркетинговое" возражение
    Вы имеете право в любое время и бесплатно возразить против обработки ваших персональных данных в целях прямого маркетинга. Если вы воспользуетесь этим правом - мы прекратим обработку ваших данных с этой целью. Чтобы воспользоваться вышеуказанным правом, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу электронной почты: e-mail: или iod@protrainup.comp или по указанному выше почтовому адресу штаб-квартиры нашего Aдминистратора, указанному выше.
  13. Совместное администрирование персональных данных
    Поставщики услуг:
    • Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Менло-Парк, Калифорния 94025, США
    • Instagram Inc., 1601 Уиллоу-роуд, Менло-Парк, Калифорния, 94025, США
    • Google Ireland Limited Гордон Хаус, Барроу-стрит, Дублин, D04 E5W5, Дублин, Ирландия
    • Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, Сан-Франциско, Калифорния 941 03, США
    • Компания LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited, Уилтон Плаза, Уилтон Плейс, Дублин 2, Ирландия
    и компания ProTrainUp Ltd., владелец фанпейджа ProTrainUp, являются совместными администраторами ваших персональных данных в части обработки в статистических и рекламных целях и включают агрегированный анализ данных с целью отображения статистики активности пользователей фан-страницы ProTrainUp. Каждый из вышеупомянутых соадминистраторов, используя технические средства, предоставляемые сервисом, принимает решение о целях и способах обработки данных, но в разной степени, поэтому владелец фанпейджа ProTrainUp несет ответственность только в объеме обрабатываемых им данных.
  14. Информация о требовании/добровольности предоставления персональных данных
    Ваши персональные данные обрабатываются на добровольной основе, но непредоставление данных приведет к тому, что вы не сможете просматривать фанпейдж ProTrainUp или общаться с помощью доступных функций этих сайтов, таких как комментарии и личные сообщения.
  1. Инспектор по защите данных был назначен в компании ProTrainUp Ltd. в соответствии со статьей 37(1)(b) Регламента [ЕС] 2016/679 Европейского парламента и Совета от 27 апреля 2016 года о защите физических лиц в отношении обработки персональных данных и о свободном перемещении таких данных и отменяющий Директиву 95/46/EC [Общий регламент по защите данных] [OJEU.L.2016.119.1] [далее именуемый "GDPR"]: Агнешка Стельмачонек.
  2. Способы связи с Инспектором:
    1. electronically, via email address:;
    2. in writing, to the address: PROTRAINUP sp. z o.o., ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów, with a note: "PROTRAINUP Club Management System".
  3. С назначенным сотрудником по защите данных можно связаться для получения ответов на вопросы или комментариев относительно обработки персональных данных и прав лиц, чьи персональные данные обрабатываются компанией ProTrainUp Ltd. в качестве контролера данных в соответствии с законами о защите данных.
Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations of Electronic System PROTRAINUP "Club Management System"

Model form: Statement of withdrawal from a contract for the provision of electronic services
(this form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

‒ Addressee: PROTRAINUP Sp. z o.o., ul. Katowicka 10, 41-500 Chorzów, - e-mail address for electronic contact:
‒ I/We(*) hereby give notice(*) of my/our withdrawal from the contract for the provision of the following service(*):

‒ Date of contract(*) / acceptance(*):

‒ Name of consumer(s):

‒ Address of consumer(s):

‒ Signature of consumer(s):

(only if the form is sent in hard copy)

‒ Date:

(*) Delete as appropriate